We the People

We the People

Thursday, February 12, 2015

How Obama would spend our money in 2016.

Can you guys imagine free community college? You heard me right, FREE college. Obama got our backs you guys, his plan for 2016 is to give grants to the states that are willing to improve its education, make community college free for those who can meet certain conditions. This is just one of his many great plans for 2016.
On Feb 02, 2015 the Senate Budget Committee distributed Obama's 2016 budget plan. The plan talks about lowering war spendings, a new food safety agency, fund for new technology companies, establishing an interim disposal site for nuclear waste, money to buy body-worn cameras for police officers, ect. Most importantly of course, FREE COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Check out the full article   and learn How Obama will spend your money in 2016.

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