We the People

We the People

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Guns can prevent rape, WHAT? such news, much impressed, wow.

"Guns don't deter sexual assaults." by Alan Fox of USA TODAY board contributors, talks about guns won't protect college students from getting sexually assaulted on campus, therefore it shouldn't be allowed. Apparently campus sexual assault has become the latest news topic and the fact that rape victims are suing the schools are causing schools to launch investigations. Alan Fox also states that it is "far out of proportion with the actual risk" and the pro-gun advocates took an advantage of this time to get their foot in the door to promote their propaganda.
There are a lot of things I'd like to say about this entire article. First of all, in many states it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon while consuming alcohol. Why does my constitutional rights go out the window when I'm on a campus? the whole purpose is for self-protection, and I, a female college student, not even in a total college environment (since it's community college you know.) feel uncomfortable walking by myself on campus when it gets dark. That's another thing, see first thing that irritated me was the tone of his message, people like him are the reasons why helpless victims don't feel comfortable to come forth with the truth. I know if I got raped, and there are people blaming me for getting raped costing them money to investigate, I would be pretty scarred and appalled.
He talked about statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics on sexual assaults on women, apparently sexual assault in college women is lower than non-college women. So "prohibiting college women from carrying guns on campus does not put them at greater risk." It would prevent the risk, or are women not important enough to at least try to protect. I don't know if anyone else can relate and agree with me on this, but no matter how much of an inebriated, sex-crazed college student I am or could be, seeing a gun would definitely sober me up and obey its master within a matter of seconds.

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