We the People

We the People

Monday, April 13, 2015

Minimum wage.

If you haven't seen the hashtag #1010, it represents the movement of raising minimum wage from 7.25/hr to $10.10/hr. In 2014 Obama signed this executive order.

I get why the business community doesn't like the idea of raising minimum wage, If employees are paid more, then there will definitely be side effects such as reduced hours, workplace benefits, and downsize. To me, I don't see how the business community is so worried, after all, the money circulates back into the economy. It's really not a hard concept to understand that if people are getting paid more, they are going to spend more, and that would help feeding our economy.

I think it would push a lot more people to work as well, mainly those that are doing things that society frowns upon on, like drug dealers. Drug dealers usually don't want to sell drugs but do it because it brings a lot of money. They know the consequences, they know it is illegal but hey still need to feed themselves. I'll use myself as an example as well, I have thought about getting a sugar daddy, because doing hard work for little money just doesn't seem worth it when I can get fed, spoiled, and paid at the same time. However it's still selling myself no matter how I look at it. If minimum wage was raised, I wouldn't mind standing around dealing with people for $10/hr at McDonalds, rather than pretending to like an old dude and put up with creepy situations.

Some say we shouldn't raise minimum wage because it wouldn't help the lowest wage earners because they often are incompetent of doing anything better for themselves than low paying jobs anyway. First off, how rude. There are idiots out there that deserves to struggle yes, however our economy has also screwed many hard working people over that has to settle for a minimum wage and they would be relieved of a lot of financial burden if the minimum wage amount was raised to $10.10.

Here's a short video less than 2 minutes that explains why we need to raise Minimum wage better than me.
Find out more here , as well as how I found my information.